The following is a narration which describes the infaillible power of Lord Krishna to grant happiness (or boons) upon His devotees through Maharishi Maitreya: -
Vidura continued, “O revered Maharishi Maitreya! I have previously heard from Maharishi Vyasa about the duties which should be adhered to by people belonging to different classes and statuses and I am satisfied with what I have learnt. However in hearing the transcendental nectarous glories of Lord Sri Krishna I still have not obtained contentment. The stories of Lord Sri Krishna, which enter into the person through his ear hole, have the ability to cut material bondages in him. How then can a person, who is listening to these transcendental glories from the mouth of supremely learned saints of your cadre, ever get satisfied? They will crave to hear more of such nectarean stories.
O Maharishi Maitreya! Desiring to describe the transcendental glories of that Lord, your dear friend Maharishi Vyāsa composed the Mahābhārata. In this, through describing material life-styles and worldly topics he has tried to attract the human minds towards Lord Sri Krishna.
The one who develops absolute dedication towards the stories of Lord Sri Krishna will also develop taste towards these stories. As he begins to enjoy the nectarean taste contained in these stories, his inclination towards material objects weakens and he develops detachment. In this manner through constant remembrance of the lotus feet of Lord Sri Krishna and through the bliss he derives from them, his grief is dispelled in totality.
In this world there are people who are truly pitiable. Among them those, who due to their earlier sinful actions are absolutely disinclined to hear the stories of that transcendental Lord, are the most pitiable. This is because apart from the stories of Lord Krishna, every other action performed with total involvement of mind, body and action is a sheer waste of effort! The Lord of time, who manifests in the form of Lord Sun, is destroying the longevity in such persons who waste their time.
O Maharishi Maitreya! You are the friend of the downtrodden. Lord Sri Krishna who is of infallible reputation always showers happiness upon devotees. Therefore, just as bees suck the nectar from the flowers, from among all these worldly stories please pick only the stories pertaining to Lord Sri Krishna and narrate them to us. Please elevate us.
Some facts about boons: -
The age is Satya Yuga (yuga sandhya as a boon)
Connection to your ishta-deva through prayer and meditation.
3 levels of realisation or force: Bhagavan, Paramatma, Brahman
The Gods are virajmaan (i.e. they are present in their subtle-universal form or vishvarupa)
My Gods are Lord Kalki, Goddess Padme, Lord Sadashiva, Goddess Maha Durga Lord Murugan, Lord Hanuman
The wording of the boon is very important
You can also have access to the weapons of the Gods
Boons are especially available to those who chant Gayatris or the intimate chants of their Gods.
Boons are asked for personal happiness; asking boons against others decreases ichcha shakti (or the power to ask boons)
By KLPrahi in what is a PM initiative (~ July 07, 2022)
Narration source:
Maharishi Maitreya
Photos credit: Pinterest