My interest in ancient civilizations, world history and current affairs took me to very interesting places. When we study history, we begin to connect the dots, and indeed realize that the patterns of history do tend to ‘repeat’. When I first began to research history, especially modern history (i.e. after the end of the Mahabharat 5000 years ago up through the Anno Domini years after Jesus Christ up until now), I came to discover many thought-provoking perspectives. There are many ways of viewing world events, and without a single doubt, things don’t always appear as they seem. History is definitely ethno-centric, meaning that the ones who benefitted the most from a significant event in history, such as Britain’s conquest of the world, are the ones who redefine it to suit and glorify them. Consequently, it takes an unbiased eye, a knack for oddities and eccentric interests to be able go deeper down. My journey started through my pursuit of Ancient India, through which I had to dismantle British colonialism intellectually in order to reveal the true glory of Ancient India. However, along the way, I came across a series of findings which made me reconsider the dominant narrative on modern civilization (the postdiluvian period). One such finding - the Deep State - has caused me to re-evaluate the current Covid-19 pandemic and I wish to share my insights with my keen readers in this seminal article.
Reader discretion is advised, the revelation of the nefarious entity of the Deep State might change your way of seeing things permanently. In my opinion, however, it will enable you to understand modern history and its upheavals much better. Then again, I would start with a disclaimer: these are facts mingled with theories, but these are definitely not theories I conjured. It’s shared by the international community of alternative media sources and channels which have adherents and followers in the hundreds of millions on the internet highway.
This begins with us considering two scenarios on how the Coronavirus might have started right from the beginning, and both scenarios are against the current prevailing and widely reported narrative.
The “accidental leak” scenario
The international mainstream media has recently begun acknowledging that the possibility that the virus was leaked from the Wuhan P4 (highest biosafety level) laboratory was real and indeed had some credibility. The Wuhan lab surprisingly houses samples of more than 1500 viruses that are being kept supposedly for research. One possible scenario was that the level of precaution while handling the virus was not ideal, and the virus got accidentally leaked through a member of staff who had access to the lab. This is envisaged because the first persons to be infected with the virus had not had any contact with the wet markets where the virus is said to have originated. Then this patient 0 would have infected one of his family members and then on to other friends, acquaintances and so forth. It is worth noting that the doctor who first sounded the alarm that something unusual was occurring in Wuhan, and that this may be a new virus causing a lethal respiratory syndrome, was himself criticized, maligned and disbarred by the Chinese government. The man eventually died.
Before the lockdown on Wuhan, the virus had arguably already left the shores of China. One of the reasons that the virus spread to the entire world was due to the irresponsibility of the Chinese government – or should I say, deliberate irresponsibility? One of the arguments being put forward to explain why the Chinese authorities sounded the alarm so late and didn’t want travel restrictions to be imposed from other countries on China was because it had already realized the effect that this was going to have on the country. Geopolitically, then, the Chinese government would want a level playing field, which explains why it didn’t want travel bans, and why it didn’t want to confirm human-to-human transmission early on. Then other countries around the world would be similarly affected and that would not make China suffer alone, owing to which its economy would be debilitated, and other economies would rise above it. Insidious it appears, but that possibility is being envisaged by Gordon G. Chang, Cornell-educated lawyer and author of “The coming collapse of China”. His interview on the channel Valuetainment can be found here http://tiny.cc/55n5mz .
The “engineered in the lab” scenario
It has come to the forefront recently that there was also the very real possibility that this virus may be a recombinant virus. Virological analysis of the Covid-19 amino acid (found within the virus) reveals that it had remained intact and had not suffered any mutations or adaptations, which means that it was likely not a product of natural evolution. Its S-protein - the spike protein which the virus uses to attach itself to the human host cell (like a lock and key) furthermore demonstrates that it could have been engineered from the HIV virus whose spike is particularly effective at infiltrating human host cells.
It is believed that the Covid-19 virus could have been created from two already existing (natural) coronaviruses sourced from bat caves in Wuhan and that these were combined and then modified at the S-protein level to create a new chimera. This new species of coronavirus, an effectively engineered one, is termed a recombinant virus. In short, it would mean that the Covid-19 virus is nothing but a biologically engineered weapon. Judy A. Mikovits (PhD), molecular biologist and former Director of Lab of Antiviral Mechanisms, NCI (USA), posits this theory in a viral documentary. (see link http://tiny.cc/ct22mz)
There are many reasons why the China Communist Party (CCP) along with its People Liberation Army (PLA) would want to wage such havoc globally, the first being the US-China trade war that started ever since the Trump administration took office. The way President Trump, with all his business acumen, utilized the USA’s leverage on the global economy to shift the balance towards the US has definitely hurt China’s economy. We were beginning to witness China’s economy slowing down and it was only a matter of time before China would choose to strike back. China, however, is not known for direct retaliation, and definitely in the face of the US, it doesn’t stand a chance militarily. It typically resorts to indirect guerrilla warfare in order to achieve its invidious aims, and to unleash a global pandemic would fit perfectly in its objectives, if we were to accept this theory.
The Deep State and China, the new darling of the globalists
China geopolitically wants to spread its tentacles in the Asian region and even beyond. Its expansionist goals are not news to anybody and it is clear that through such initiatives as the Belt and Road initiative (the so-called new ‘Silk Road’), China wants to extend dominion to Asia, Europe and even Africa. The only nation standing in its way is the USA, against whom it has a definite military disadvantage. One of its strategies to counter this disadvantage is to employ “unrestricted warfare”. This means that it will employ any method necessary to weaken its enemy, whether that method conforms to international laws or not. And by the way, as is now being seen, China has many of the world organizations already under its grips. An instance would be the WHO, the World Bank, the UN etc...
Where this gets really interesting is when we find the missing link: China’s relationship with the Deep State. For the uninitiated, the Deep State is the international mafia which seeks to subvert entire nations through coordinated destruction, terrorism, warfare, staged economic crises, etc. The Deep State is inherently all the forces within any nation that are so powerful that they can destabilize and even overthrow a bona fide government in place. Its members can include people from the ranks of academia, government bureaucracy, military and intelligence agencies and corporate executives. They are, so to speak, ‘globalists’ and seek to establish a ‘New World Order’. In the USA itself, the Democrats (or leftists) famously espouse the agenda of globalism. One of the main manoeuvres of the Deep State was to create continental unions such as African Union, European Union etc in order to marshal countries into a single entity which could be easily, centrally controlled. Closing the world down into unions and establishing a one-world government would be the ideal way to extend dominion over the entire planet, effectively flouting the sovereignty of nations. The nationalists (or right-wings) vehemently oppose this agenda. One of the aims of globalists is to create a set of uniform human ‘rights’ and ‘values’ such as imposing multi-culturalism and free movement of people across countries – a definite strategy to harmonize the world into a single genus. Britain’s successful attempt to exit the European Union was an expression of the same concerns over the expansionist, globalist ideals of the EU. The waves of nationalism around the world are a rejection of this very rule-flouting, subversive and imperialist globalist agenda.
The Main Stream Media (MSM)
The Deep State ideally thrives on global panic, precipitated through staged coups and crises. The history of the effects of this type of manoeuvre extends well beyond recent history and can be traced back to the second world war, when the early agents of the Deep State secretly financed both sides of the war: the allies and the axis countries. They would then be in a privileged position whatever the outcome of the war. The Main Stream Media (MSM) today is said to be mostly owned and controlled by the Deep State. Many of the world’s foremost news syndicates and news corporations (encompassing several well-known news and media channels) obtain their funding in large part directly from Deep State patriarchs. The main news channels such as Associated Press (AP), Reuters, CNN, etc are famously in the grips of the globalist agenda - for through propaganda and continuous negative news-mongering, they can create, maintain and perpetuate a general climate of fear in the world. Ever wondered why the main news channels portray negative news so persistently? It seems that all that goes on in this world is war, disease, crises etc. Why is positivity not as news-worthy as negativity?
We of course were not perceptive enough to realise this until the advent of independent, alternative media channels, broadcasting through the internet, who are free from the restrictions of a press (the MSM) fully mandated and controlled by its sponsors (the Deep State). It’s perhaps safe to say that more than 50% of the ‘real news’ (the news that make sense and contribute to true information and perspective) cannot be found on the MSM. The so-called epidemic of ‘fake news’ has a very pertinent raison d’etre. By branding alternative news sources as ‘fake news’, the MSM wants to libel them as unfounded and false in order to conveniently prevent people from accessing the truth. We are verily nowadays in an open info-war. These very ‘fake news’ are often labelled conspiracy theories while, in fact, the latter turn out to be ‘conspiracy facts’ later on.
Right now, the only news that is trending on the MSM is the panic and dread of increasing Covid-19 cases and deaths etc. However, there is NO in-depth coverage of China’s potential involvement in the creation of a recombinant virus – which would require real investigative journalism, rather than the stereotyped reporting. The cause of the global panic has conveniently been siphoned away, leaving mainstream news media displaying pandemonium, which reinforces fear, dread and panic. This, in effect, summarizes the state of today’s mainstream news.
But what link does this have to Big Pharma? To which I reply, what link does a pandemic have to vaccines? And what link does vaccines have to the such foundations as the Gates Foundation? This all has to do with the fact that a pandemic would require mass vaccination of everyone on the globe.
The insidious agenda of Big Pharma
Believe it or not, the main agenda of the Deep State is to enslave humanity and not to liberate it. One of the main ways it achieves this, conceivably, is to keep us in a state of ‘perpetual illness’. It attempts to do this by weakening the immune system of people (the inherent intelligence safeguarding the human body), because this is what will perpetuate illness and cause Big Pharma companies to cash in. One of the ways this is famously achieved is through the many side effects that vaccines can have, and hence, vaccines are popularized as the miracle cure, when - in fact - it harbours negative additives such as Mercury, Lead, Arsenium etc. Some of its reported deleterious effects include causing autism to newborn infants, triggering epilepsy and so on. The infamous HPV vaccine itself is known to cause an early onset of puberty in adolescent girls, having adverse effect on their psychology and adversely impacting their social behaviour. The well-known Gates Foundation is a typical example of how rich billionaires use the NGO model and its extensive associated tax exemptions to push for more vaccination in the world. Similar foundations with more or less the same philosophy are the Clinton foundation and the Chan-Zuckerberg foundation.
Now, I am not saying that vaccines are unnecessary or not useful. The principle of vaccination is definitely a bona fide one. It is in the way that Big Pharma rolls out new vaccines, the mediums and substrates it employs that is largely questionable. The Big Pharma industry is in deep trouble today as dwindling profits mean that its existence is being threatened. Everywhere in the world the pharmaceutical model is being questioned, and people are finding alternatives to their ‘magic-bullet’ pills with a long list of “potential” side effects. These drugs are, most of the time, habit-forming or create dependency such that they can continuously be used and pharma companies can mint profits out of people’s illness. What is not popularly known is that even within the allopathic model of medicines, there are many viable alternative therapeutic models to conventional drug therapy - one of them being vitamins. By supplementing a person’s treatment for any disease with the appropriate vitamins, medical professionals can ensure that the person recovers much faster. However, the medical establishment has for a long time now ignored such important treatment modalities. Dr Shiva Ayyudurai, holder of four degrees from MIT and a PhD in Systems Biology, has offered a treatment alternative based on vitamins for Covid-19. His interview on this and his take on the Deep State and Big Pharma can be viewed online, here http://tiny.cc/gv22mz .
The nexus of evil
The Deep State, China, Big Pharma and so-called innocuous foundations and NGOs could very well have engineered this global pandemic or at least anticipated to cash in from it. And since China is the new darling of the globalists (who really don’t care whether the world’s dominant power is a democratic regime or a communist regime), China is a perfect candidate to ‘brew the potion’ and unleash a bioweapon upon mankind. Every now and then, a new crisis arises. Not all of them are natural – many, in fact, are deliberately precipitated. Deviant organizations abound with similar motives. The globalist nexus of such deviance or the Deep State seeks ‘full spectrum dominance’, unchecked corporate greed, sophisticated methods of deceit and fear mongering – the very agenda of the Devil. This leads me to think that behind the veiled curtains of the Deep State hides the personification of the Fallen Angel of Evil, who is unknown by various names in different religious traditions: The Devil (Christianity), Shaitan (Islam) and Kali (Hinduism). There you go, I have placed a finger on the effigy of Evil.
A spiritual saviour
This is, in essence, the peril that humanity faces. Thankfully, people have awakened to this nefarious cabal, and who knows we may in the near future witness an incarnation of God to save us... My next post will be on Lord Kalki – next incarnation of Lord Vishnu and the nemesis to Kali - and the special epoch we are living (a conjunction between two ages or yuga-sandhya) which is causing great upheavals, but will eventually lead to a more conscious, a more harmonious and a more enlightened world.
The cover image shows a crop circle that appeared in 21st December 2012 (the date when the planetary Kali Yuga ended). In this pattern left over fields (crop circle) viewed aerially, Lord Kalki beheads the Deep State.
Copyright to article: Nithin Prakash Gukhool