Tvasta is the ancient Vedic name for DNA, which is about evolution. DNA falls directly under the aegis of Durga Devi and hence there is karma involved in evolution. God holds one responsible for one's actions and evolution is directly under God.
If one performs good actions one gets a higher form and if one performs bad actions one gets a lower form. If one becomes saintly, God awards one an eternal spiritual body.
In the past, through Ayurveda, lizard bite was treated with Arjuna [lidocaine].
A famous scripture of India is the Nasadiya Sukta of the Vedas.
Tvasta Rishi had created Vritasur which was a demon dragon and the mantra to vanquish it viz: -
"Aum Trak Vishnave Namaha." Copyright: Krishna Leela Prakash, April 17, 2022
Image Credit: Graphic Design Junction